Simon Baruch
Middle School
School Hours:
School arrival is at 8:20 a.m. and dismissal is at 2:40 p.m.
All students who are absent require a written note signed by their parent or guardian on their return to school.
Baruch Blast:
MS104 PTA, Principal Macri and Guidance Department send regular email newsletters. To sign up, click HERE, enter your info, and select the list for your child’s grade.
Visiting School:
Parents are always welcome at MS104. You must have an ID and sign in at the security desk.
Staff Directory:
Click HERE for a full staff directory.
Parent Coordinator:
Blanca Rivera
brivera@schools.nyc.gov -
The registration process for 2023-2024 is no longer open.
For special requests or information on late admissions, please contact our parent coordinator, Blanca Rivera, at brivera@schools.nyc.govIN-PERSON TOURS: A full schedule of tours for 5th grade families hoping to attend MS104 in the Fall of 2024 has been created and can be accessed HERE.
Please sign up using the dedicated links for each individual tour date. Tickets will be available beginning Friday, September 29th, 2023
You can also take our virtual tour by clicking HERE.
Main Office:
212-674-4545 ext. 0For student questions, registration, attendance inquires, etc., please contact Bonnie Doyle at
bdoyle3@schools.nyc.govFor any school-related issues, please contact Blanca Rivera at:
brivera@schools.nyc.govRosie Asciolla- RAsciolla@schools.nyc.gov
Secretary, General High School Information and InquiriesAbigail Forbes - School Nurse
FAbigail@104m.orgFor PTA-related questions, please email baruch104pta@gmail
Full Staff Directory: Click HERE
Rocco Macri - Principal
RMacri@schools.nyc.govJohn Sabo - Dean
Student Discipline, School Climate and CultureLaura Ng - Dean
Student Discipline, School Climate and Culture
(on leave until December)Anne Traversa - Asst. Principal
Grade 6 Supervisor, Supervisor of ELA and ENLChris Comparetto- Asst. Principal
Grade 7 Supervisor, Supervisor of Math, Student SchedulingLyndsay Boelsen - Asst. Principal
Grade 7 Supervisor, Supervisor of Science, AIS, World Languages, The ArtsMichelle McCaffrey - Asst. Principal
Grade Eight Supervisor, Supervisor of Social Studies and Special EducationRachael Schleifer
Grade 6 Guidance CounselorIris Adames IAdames2@schools.nyc.gov
Grade 7 Guidance CounselorVenessa Jalaye
Grade 8 Guidance CounselorClaire McEvily - Social Worker
CMcEviy@schools.nyc.govSamantha Mongiello
IEP Teacher and 504 Coordinator

Monthly Calendar
Blue: MS104 Notices
Red: PTA Events
Green: Sports Schedule
If you have trouble viewing the calendar, click HERE.

Developing Minds And Nurturing Hearts
A promotional film produced and directed by the students of
Simon Baruch MS104 (2021).